Returning to God’s Will

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”


There are times in our spiritual journey when we come to the realization that we have veered off from the path that God has set for us. This could be a result of hasty decisions, the distractions of daily life, or the burden of personal ambitions. However, the wonderful thing about God’s grace is that He always beckons us back to His will, giving us the opportunity to readjust our lives according to His divine purpose.

Remembering to follow God’s will involves more than just fixing our actions; it’s about redirecting our hearts and minds toward Him. It starts with placing our complete trust in the Lord. Trusting means releasing our need to control every part of our lives and submitting to the One who knows our future. It involves having faith that God’s plans are superior to any we could come up with on our own.

The next step is to not rely solely on our own understanding. Our human perspective is limited and often flawed. We see the immediate and the temporary, while God sees the eternal and the profound. When we rely only on our judgment, we risk missing out on God’s greater vision for our lives. Instead, we are called to seek His wisdom through prayer and the study of His Word, allowing His truth to illuminate our path.

It is crucial to submit to God in all our ways. This means acknowledging Him in every decision, whether big or small, and living a life that reflects His love, grace, and righteousness. When we submit to God, we align our desires with His, making His priorities our own. This act of submission is not a sign of weakness but of strength, for it is in our surrender that we find true freedom and fulfillment.


God promises to make our paths straight. This doesn’t imply a life free of challenges or detours but one where He guides and directs us, providing clarity and purpose. When we return to God’s will, we step into the assurance that He is with us, shaping our journey for His glory and our ultimate good.


Heavenly Father, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking to return to Your will. Forgive us for the times we’ve strayed and relied on our understanding. Help us to trust in You completely, to seek Your wisdom, and to submit to Your ways. Guide us back to Your path and make our way straight. May our lives reflect Your love and grace, and may we find peace and purpose in Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


This week, take time each day to pray and read a passage from the Bible, seeking God’s guidance and wisdom. Reflect on areas of your life where you need to surrender control and ask God to help you trust in His plan. Engage in a specific act of service or kindness, demonstrating your commitment to living out His will in practical ways.