Church Unity

I’m sure many of you have experienced the pain of disunity within a church. Sometimes, it’s about something as simple as deciding how to decorate the church for a holiday, while other times, it can be much more profound and related to a disagreement about theology. Regardless of the reason, disunity can lead to the church’s demise if it isn’t addressed and resolved.

In an essay published on The Gospel Coalition website, Richards Lints defines church unity as “the union of the people of God, in all their various distinctions and expressions, bound to God and one another by the Gospel.” That sums it up right there.

Scripture describes unity as a beautiful and enjoyable experience, stating, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133:1 | ESV). Moreover, God commands all Christians to pursue unity to bring joy, saying, “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2, ESV).

Following Jesus and resisting our sinful desires can be a daunting task. Similarly, achieving and maintaining harmony within our church can also present challenges. The Bible does not guarantee that the pursuit of unity will be effortless. The New Testament records numerous instances of Christians struggling and failing to achieve unity, which should serve as a warning that unity is far from easy.

Achieving unity, though not impossible, is quite challenging. This is mainly because spiritual attacks by the enemy are constantly present in the church (Ephesians 6:12). Additionally, some individuals pretend to be Christians but are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Acts 20:29). These people often create divisions and stir up trouble. Furthermore, some unbelievers try to tempt immature believers into quarrels (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). All these factors make establishing and maintaining unity in the church difficult. The list of obstacles to unity goes on and on.

What steps can we take to maintain unity at Vision Church as we experience God’s phenomenal growth?

1) It is important to remember that even though we have unity in our church, we must always remain vigilant for anything that may cause disunity in the future.

2) Mature individuals should mentor the younger generation and guide them with truthful teachings until they grow and mature spiritually.

3) Prevent Gossip. Don’t just try to control it; eliminate it.

4) It is essential always to remember the harmful effects of disunity and strive to avoid it. This high calling can help us grow as individuals and become more holy. Moreover, it is an opportunity to show the love of Jesus Christ to a world that desperately needs it. By demonstrating the love of Christ through our actions and words, we can make a positive impact and spread love to those who need it most.

Never forget these words. Like all things in life, Christian unity is impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit, for apart from him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).