Life’s Trials Become Opportunities.

SCRIPTURES: James 1:2-4, Psalm 91, and Ephesians 6:10-18

It’s not often that I base a devotion on a sermon, but this time, I feel compelled to make an exception. The words Pastor Chris shared last Sunday resonated with me on a personal level, perhaps because they struck me as so significant, or more likely, because they convicted me of something I’m currently grappling with.

Challenges, trials, and burdens aren’t always caused by Satan. I know I can create these drama-filled events independently and do so more often than I’d care to admit. Indeed, our suffering can be God’s Will, not to drive us away from him, but to draw us closer to him. And, of course, yes, so are Satan’s demons telling us lies at the times when we are most vulnerable. No matter the cause, we need to realize any suffering we feel can indeed be an opportunity for growth and spiritual refinement; here’s how:


  1. Strengthening Faith: Trials can strengthen your faith as you learn to rely more on God and trust His sovereignty and goodness.
  2. Building Character: Difficulties often build character and perseverance. As James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
  3. Dependence on God: Facing spiritual attacks can deepen your dependence on God, helping you realize that you need His power and presence in every aspect of your life.
  4. Cultivating Spiritual Maturity: These experiences, like a crucible, can forge and shape your spiritual growth. As you navigate the challenges with wisdom and grace, you deepen your understanding of God’s ways and mature in your faith. It’s a process that can be painful, but it’s one that leads to a stronger, more resilient faith.
  5. Increased Prayer Life: Often, being under attack leads to a more fervent and consistent prayer life, drawing you closer to God.
  6. Greater Humility: Recognizing your limitations and need for God’s help can foster humility, making you more receptive to His guidance and correction.
  7. Equipping for Service: By overcoming trials, you become better equipped to help and encourage others who are going through similar struggles. Remember, as your spiritual mentor, I am here to guide you every step of the way.
  8. Refining of Purpose: Difficult times can help clarify your purpose and priorities, aligning them more closely with God’s will for your life.
  9. Persistent Prayer: Maintain a constant dialogue with God. Express your fears, frustrations, and hopes. Pray for strength, wisdom, and protection.
  10. Daily Reading: Immerse yourself in the Bible daily. Passages like Psalm 91, Ephesians 6:10-18, and James 1:2-4 can be particularly comforting and empowering.
  11. Praise and Worship: Engage in regular worship, whether through singing, listening to worship music, or attending services. Worship shifts your focus from your problems to God’s greatness.
  12. 12. Fellowship: Stay connected with your church community. Share your struggles with trusted friends or mentors who can offer support and guidance.
  13. Fasting: Consider periods of fasting as a way to seek God more intensely and demonstrate dependence on Him.
  14. Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18: Familiarize yourself with the armor of God—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. Actively put on this armor daily to stand firm against attacks.
  15. Testimony: Share Your Story: Share your experiences of overcoming challenges with others. Your testimony can be a powerful encouragement and faith-building for yourself and others.


Heavenly Father, we seek Your strength and guidance in times of trial and tribulation. Grant us the courage to face our challenges with faith and perseverance. Help us to remember that we are never alone, for You Walk beside us every step of the way. Fill our hearts with hope and our minds with wisdom so that we may emerge from these trials stronger and more resilient. We trust in Your divine plan and lean on Your unfailing love. May Your peace comfort us, and Your light guides us through the darkest of times. In Christ’s holy name, we pray. Amen.