Compelled By Love To Share The Good News

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (ESV)

“For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”


“The more we grasp all that God has done for us, the more our love of God compels us to share the good news with others.” I read the preceding sentence in a book called 4 Chair Discipling and was immediately convicted to write this devotion. This profound truth lies at the heart of our Christian faith and mission. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, expresses this beautifully by stating that Christ’s love compels us.

To be compelled by Christ’s love, we must deeply reflect on God’s infinite love and mercy, as shown through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, for all of our redemption. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are offered forgiveness and eternal life, the greatest gift we could ever receive.

When we fully understand the magnitude of this gift, it changes us. Our hearts become filled with gratitude and love for God. This love ignites within us a desire to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with others. Our love for God overflows when we truly grasp His grace and mercy.

Sharing the good news is not just a duty; it’s a heartfelt response driven by love. It’s not about obligation but about passion, a strong desire to let others feel the same joy, peace, and hope that we’ve discovered in Christ.

After witnessing Jesus’ resurrection, the early disciples were transformed into bold proclaimers of the gospel. Despite facing persecution, they couldn’t help but speak about what they had seen and heard (Acts 4:20), compelled by their love for Jesus and their understanding of His sacrifice to spread the gospel far and wide.


We are called to be modern-day disciples, sharing the good news in our families, workplaces, and communities. As we grow in our understanding of God’s love, our passion should be to reach out to those who have yet to experience His saving grace. Our lives become a testament to the transformative power of the gospel, compelling others to seek the same love and redemption we have found.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to fully grasp the depth of Your love and the magnitude of Your sacrifice. Let this understanding fill our hearts with gratitude and compel us to share the good news with others. Give us the courage and passion to be Your witnesses in the world, proclaiming Your love and salvation to all who will hear. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Conclusion/Action Step:

Reflect on how God’s love has transformed your life. Think of one person who needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Pray for an opportunity to share your faith with them this week, and trust that God will give you the words and the courage to do so.

Returning to God’s Will

Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”


There are times in our spiritual journey when we come to the realization that we have veered off from the path that God has set for us. This could be a result of hasty decisions, the distractions of daily life, or the burden of personal ambitions. However, the wonderful thing about God’s grace is that He always beckons us back to His will, giving us the opportunity to readjust our lives according to His divine purpose.

Remembering to follow God’s will involves more than just fixing our actions; it’s about redirecting our hearts and minds toward Him. It starts with placing our complete trust in the Lord. Trusting means releasing our need to control every part of our lives and submitting to the One who knows our future. It involves having faith that God’s plans are superior to any we could come up with on our own.

The next step is to not rely solely on our own understanding. Our human perspective is limited and often flawed. We see the immediate and the temporary, while God sees the eternal and the profound. When we rely only on our judgment, we risk missing out on God’s greater vision for our lives. Instead, we are called to seek His wisdom through prayer and the study of His Word, allowing His truth to illuminate our path.

It is crucial to submit to God in all our ways. This means acknowledging Him in every decision, whether big or small, and living a life that reflects His love, grace, and righteousness. When we submit to God, we align our desires with His, making His priorities our own. This act of submission is not a sign of weakness but of strength, for it is in our surrender that we find true freedom and fulfillment.


God promises to make our paths straight. This doesn’t imply a life free of challenges or detours but one where He guides and directs us, providing clarity and purpose. When we return to God’s will, we step into the assurance that He is with us, shaping our journey for His glory and our ultimate good.


Heavenly Father, we come before You with humble hearts, seeking to return to Your will. Forgive us for the times we’ve strayed and relied on our understanding. Help us to trust in You completely, to seek Your wisdom, and to submit to Your ways. Guide us back to Your path and make our way straight. May our lives reflect Your love and grace, and may we find peace and purpose in Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


This week, take time each day to pray and read a passage from the Bible, seeking God’s guidance and wisdom. Reflect on areas of your life where you need to surrender control and ask God to help you trust in His plan. Engage in a specific act of service or kindness, demonstrating your commitment to living out His will in practical ways.

The Path To Salvation — Intellect Alone Is Never Enough

The path to finding faith in Christ can differ significantly from one person to another. Some people come to believe through emotional experiences, while others find faith through personal trials and some through intellectual inquiry. However, whether a person can come to Christ through intellect alone is complex and requires careful consideration.

1. The Roll of Intellect In Faith:

The intellect plays a significant role in the faith journey. Many people encounter Christianity initially through reason and evidence. They may explore the historical reliability of the Bible, the philosophical arguments for the existence of God, or the moral teachings of Jesus. Apologetics, the rational defense of the Christian faith, can be instrumental in breaking down intellectual barriers to belief. Examples include:

C.S. Lewis, an Oxford scholar and former atheist, came to Christianity through intellectual exploration. His writings, such as “Mere Christianity,” reflect his belief that reason and faith are compatible.

Lee Strobel: A former investigative journalist and atheist, Strobel set out to disprove Christianity but became a believer after his rigorous investigation, documented in “The Case for Christ.

2. The Limitations of Intellect:

While intellect can help a person understand Christianity, it alone is insufficient for a transformative faith experience. Christianity is not merely an intellectual assent to doctrines but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This involves the heart as well as the mind.

– Heart Transformation: Romans 10:9-10 emphasizes that belief in the heart and confession with the mouth are crucial for salvation. Genuine faith involves trust in Jesus and a commitment to follow Him.

– Work of the Holy Spirit: According to Christian doctrine, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in bringing a person to faith. John 16:8-13 explains that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, guiding individuals into all truth.

3. The Integration of Intellect and Heart:

A complete approach to accepting Christ involves engaging the intellect and the heart. The intellect enables a person to comprehend the principles of Christianity, while the heart responds to Jesus’ call in a deeply personal manner. Genuine conversion often involves both aspects.


While a person can undoubtedly begin their journey to Christ through intellectual inquiry, genuine faith ultimately encompasses both the mind and the heart. Intellect can remove obstacles and provide a rational foundation for belief, but a genuine relationship with Christ involves a heart response and the work of the Holy Spirit. This combination of understanding and personal encounters leads to a transformative faith in Jesus Christ.

Taming The Tongue

Scripture: James 3:5-8 (ESV)

So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.


The tongue, though small, wields incredible power. James vividly illustrates this by comparing the tongue to a tiny spark that can ablaze an entire forest. This imagery highlights how our words, though seemingly insignificant, can profoundly impact ourselves and others.

Words can uplift and inspire, but they can also wound and destroy. James warns us of the destructive potential of the tongue, describing it as a fire, a world of evil, and full of deadly poison. This stark language emphasizes the seriousness with which we must approach our speech.

Despite humanity’s ability to tame all kinds of animals, James tells us that no one can fully tame the tongue. This acknowledgment of our limitations is humbling. It reminds us of our need for divine help to control our speech. Our words can easily lead us astray without God’s guidance, causing harm and discord.

In our daily lives, we encounter countless opportunities to speak. Each conversation with family, friends, colleagues, or strangers offers a chance to reflect Christ’s love or, conversely, to sow discord. The challenge is consciously choosing our words, aiming to build up rather than tear down.


  1. Pause Before Speaking: Take a moment to consider the impact of your words before you speak. Ask yourself if what you’re about to say is true, kind, necessary, and uplifting.
  2. Seek God’s Help: Pray for wisdom and self-control. Ask God to help you use your tongue to encourage and bless others.
  3. Reflect on Scripture: Meditate on passages that emphasize the importance of our speech. Let God’s Word transform your heart and, consequently, your words.


Lord, thank You for the gift of speech and the ability to communicate with others. Please help me to recognize the power of my words and to use them wisely. Forgive me for the times I have spoken carelessly and caused harm. Teach me to communicate with grace, truth, and love. Fill my heart with Your Spirit so that my words reflect Your goodness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


May this devotion inspire you to be mindful of your words and seek God’s help in taming your tongue to bring light and life to those around you.

Use God’s Gifts To Serve

Good morning, brothers. Have you taken the time to discover the gifts that God has created specifically for you? Have you asked God about your purpose in life? Sometimes, God’s plan for us is straightforward, while other times it can be obscure. Nevertheless, God has a plan for each one of us, and He has given us gifts not just for our benefit but also to serve others.

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Simply put, we should express our gratitude for the free gift of salvation that we have received by helping and serving others with kindness, love, and gentleness instead of only focusing on ourselves. While our works and actions cannot help us attain salvation, God intends for our salvation to lead us to perform acts of service. Our salvation is meant to enable us to serve Christ and build up the church, not just for our own benefit but for others as well.

When we serve others, we get to witness God’s purpose in creating us and experience it firsthand. Serving others is the most rewarding experience in life. It fills our hearts with warmth and brings glory to our Heavenly Father. When we unite as a united community, serving others as Jesus did, we become a shining light for others to see and follow.

As I mentioned in a previous devotion, the best way to follow Jesus is to imitate His actions. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus tells us that He came to serve, not to be served. By serving others, we get to know Jesus on a deeper level because we experience His love for others firsthand. When we start caring for and serving others, God redirects our focus.

It’s important to reject the false notion that the church does not require participation because this belief can prevent us from experiencing the joy God has intended for us through serving. So, take a leap of faith and become involved. God will acknowledge your faith and transform it into something even more meaningful.

The Art of Listening

Scripture: James 1:19 (ESV)

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.


In life, we often overlook the importance of listening and let our own thoughts and voices take over. However, James’ letter contains a powerful message that highlights the essence of human interaction: “Every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.”

These words were written centuries ago, yet their wisdom still holds true today. They remind us to approach others with humility, compassion, and self-control, reflecting the heart of Christ in all that we do.


“quick to hear” urges us to develop a habit of attentive listening, to hear the stories, struggles, and joys of those around us. It calls us to let go of our preconceived notions and assumptions, to quiet our own minds, and to be fully present in the moment. Quick listening entails having an open heart and a willingness to empathize, understand, and connect with the experiences of others.

“slow to speak”: How often do we find ourselves eager to interrupt, assert our opinions, or defend our perspectives? James counsels us to exercise restraint, to temper our words with wisdom and grace. Speaking slowly allows space for reflection and discernment. It honors the worth of those with whom we engage, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

“slow to anger”: Although anger is a natural human emotion, it has the potential to disrupt relationships, cloud our judgment, and create disharmony. James encourages us to practice being patient, understanding, and forgiving when dealing with anger. This invites us to respond to adversity with grace and resilience instead of reacting impulsively in the heat of the moment.

James’ encouragement to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry embodies the essence of Christlike love. It reflects the heart of a Savior who listened carefully to the cries of those excluded from mainstream society, who spoke words of healing and hope, and who patiently bore the insults and injustices of humanity.


Father God, as we live our lives, help us to shut out the noise of the world. Grant us the humility to listen attentively to the voices around us. Guide our tongues so that we may speak with wisdom and grace. And Lord, in moments of frustration and anger, grant us the strength to remain composed. Help us to respond with patience and grace rather than reacting impulsively in the heat of the moment. Give us the discernment to know when to speak and when to remain silent so that our words may bring healing and reconciliation in every situation. In Jesus name, Amen.


As we meditate on James 1:19, consider how to practice its virtues daily. How can we develop the ability to listen attentively in our homes, workplaces, communities, and beyond? Let us strive to follow the example of Christ, who listened with compassion, spoke with wisdom, and loved unconditionally. By doing this, we show grace and the healing power of empathetic listening.

Joy In Trials

Scripture: James 1:2-4 (ESV)

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”


The Book of James serves as a practical guide to help us live our faith in our routine lives. In the beginning verses of Chapter 1, James motivates us to adopt an opposing view towards our trials – to rejoice during tough times. While this may seem like a paradoxical notion, it holds a profound truth about the life-changing abilities of one’s faith.


James doesn’t say ‘if’ you face trials, but ‘whenever’ you face trials. Trials are an inescapable part of life, revealing in various forms, physical, emotional, and spiritual, and they serve as tests of our faith’s depth. However, instead of giving in to despair or bitterness, James urges us to find joy in the midst of trials. This perspective prepares us for the challenges ahead and encourages us to maintain a positive outlook.

Why joy? Because trials have a purpose; they refine our faith. Through trials, our faith is tested, and as we persevere, our faith grows stronger. Just as muscles grow through resistance training, our faith matures through the trials we face. Joy comes not from the trials themselves but from the knowledge that God is at work in and through them.

The ultimate goal of trials is not simply to make us endure suffering but to make us mature and complete, lacking in nothing. Trials mold us into Christ’s image, refining character and deepening faith.


Heavenly Father, in the midst of trials, help us to find joy, knowing that You are at work in and through them. Grant us the strength to persevere and the faith to trust in Your purposes. May we not despair in the face of adversity but rejoice, knowing that You are refining us and shaping us into the likeness of Your Son. Give us eyes to see beyond our present circumstances and hearts that are steadfast in faith so that we may emerge from trials mature and complete, lacking in nothing. In all things, may Your will be done, and may Your name be glorified. In Jesus precious name, we pray, Amen.


As we navigate through the journey of life, we should welcome the challenges and difficulties that we encounter, knowing that God is using them to refine us and strengthen our faith. We should face these trials with joy, understanding that they are opportunities for personal growth and spiritual maturity in Christ. We should trust in the promise that by persevering through these trials, we will emerge as mature and complete individuals, lacking nothing.